Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas for Kameron

God is good

I set out yesterday to Bakersfield to take Christmas presents to my roommate and my friend Jenny and her son Kameron. About half way home I realized my house key wasn't attached to my keys. No big deal I thought, Jenny and Dereem both have keys to the condo. Then I remembered I put them in my purse when the mechanic had my car. While digging for them I realized I forgot my wallet at my parents. Here I am on the 5 no ID, no money, no credit cards, with I'm hoping enough gas to make it to Bakersfield which is a better shot than turning around for my wallet because I am already more than half way.

Well, I made it all the way home at which point I had devised a plan. I keep my passport in my travel themed bathroom, so there is photo ID. And I keep my extra checks in my condo. I wrote a check for cash and headed to the bank. My plan worked and I was able to make it to the bank and the gas station before the idiot light went off on my gas gauge. In the midst of all of this it was raining and at one point you were able to see a full arched rainbow across the sky. It was beautiful and a wonderful reminder of how good God is.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy twenty fourth Kimberly

Wednesday was my best friend from elementary school birthday. Usually Kim refers to me as her oldest friend which doesn't make sense because she has plenty of friends older than me so she also refers to me as her OG or original gangster. Our moms were pregnant together and for thirteen years of our lives we lived four houses apart. Anyways, a group of us got together for dinner to celebrate. Here is part of Kim with her birthday Sunday.
And here is the group. With the exception of Chris we have all known each other for what seems like forever. Us girls all went to the same elementary school, junior high and high school and some of us colleges. It was a lot of fun getting together and remembering old times and making new memories.

Katie, me, Kimberly, Jessica and Chris.

The lake show

Jenny came up from Bakersfield on Sunday and we went to the Lakers game.

Holiday Open House

My parents annual open house was on December first. There were over 85 people who came and I took six pictures. Luckily my moms friend took more but here are a few.
My uncle Richard and my aunt Johanna

My cousin Emily

Murryn and Lissa

My dad and Jack Dufour

Joe Bruin

Friday, December 14, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

After Final Fun

I finished finals November 20th. Here are some photos our celebration for passing the "toughest" quarter in nursing school. Or so they say.

Natalie, Me, Jenny

Jenny with Jesse

Hong and Antonio