Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I was in court last week to fight a ticket I received for an unsafe lane change. The arraignment was scheduled for 8:30 my mom (also my witness to fight the ticket) joined me and we made it to the courthouse on time despite the heavy rain. Well upon arrival we were notified along with several other people at the courthouse to fight tickets that the judge would be there at the earliest by 9:00am. The entire time I was in court the only thing I could think about was I hope my ticket gets dismissed or at least that I can have my money back and Josh Tate's would you rather. If I remember correctly it was would you rather meet your future spouse at a courthouse or at a hospital. Well as a nursing student I spend lots of time in hospitals and now I have more experience in courthouses and I have to say hands down I would prefer to meet my future spouse in a hospital. Oh and the officer didn't show up, so my ticket was dismissed and the money for the ticket will be coming back in 6-8weeks.

Monday, January 28, 2008

My Golden birthday was last Thursday. 24 on the twenty-fourth. Or maybe more significantly the 24th anniversary of my moms golden birthday. And while I'm at it I guess the day my cousin Harrison turned the big one one aka 11. It wasn't anything fantastic but I was able to make it home to go out to dinner with my mom which was nice.

My roommate left me this birthday card with an i-tunes gift card and also took the liberty of decorating the condo. She decorated everything from my bedroom doorway, the bathroom and even the kitchen.
I went to class, pediatric lecture on heart disease anyone? Then the girls (Natalie, Ashley and Jenny) took me out to lunch at PF Chang's.

They even appeased me when I made them stop to take a picture of our feet.
Then I made the decision to skip my Research class out of fear if I didn't get on the road I wasn't going to make it home to my parents. With the 5 freeway closed at the grapevine I was forced to go the long way. I took the 58 to the 14 through rain, snow and then some more rain. The trip was made oh so much more fun by my cat who decided to moan the entire way. I can't say that I blame her. Normally she has free reign of my car but being three days post surgery she was confined to the cat carrier.
Mom and I went to dinner at the Backwoods Inn before returning home and retiring for the night. This is the only time ever that I will be exactly half of my mothers age. When I turn her age I will be two thirds of her age but that just doesn't seem as cool because by then I'll be old. Just kidding I love you mom.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My kitty survived surgery and is now recovering from both the surgery and the embarrassment of a bad haircut. She is on lock down in my room to prevent her from attempting to use the stairs and is receiving prophylactic antibiotics. She has a follow up appointment at the vet in two weeks to remove her stitches. The poor thing is so pathetic it makes her cute.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kate





Something I realized last night is that as nursing students all we talk about is nursing, which must have made the evening so much fun for Kate's boyfriend and her running friend. No matter how many times we tried to change the subject it always came back to nursing. The sad thing is sometimes we don't even notice until someone who has no idea what we are referring to asks or gets this look on their face like they don't know whats going on but they'll smile and nod like they do hoping that by not asking the conversation will end sooner. That and we lack the ability to decide what is appropriate or acceptable to talk about at a dinner table because nothing phases us.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Yesterday Jenny, Kameron and I went to CSUB to drop off our care plans

Kameron and I looked and smelled flowers while we waited for Jenny to buy her parking pass

Then when she got a spray tan we went to the bank and then got some cookies. This is why he likes me so much.

And later in the day when Jenny went to coach cheer Kameron and I had some fun.

I especially enjoy this photo of him swinging in the back yard.

Then to round out the day we smelled more "flowers"

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's a me a Molly'o

My kitty molly has been limping for a few weeks and after her obvious pain ceasing to go away I broke down today and took her to the vet. 1 physical exam, 2 x-rays and 203 dollars later my cat needs surgery. At first my thought was she's a cat and you want to operate. I got a cat because it was supposed to be a realitively cheap pet. I can't look her in the face and tell her at one year old she either has to suffer in pain the rest of her life or I could just put you to sleep. So, with my parents support January 21st my cat will go under and have an excision arthroplasty.

The vet described the problem and showed me Molly's x-rays. She is unsure if the cat has a metabolic fracture or a congenital problem but there is definately necrotic tissue in the hip joint and the head of the femur (the ball like part of the bone that is usually present is not at least to the extent it should be. Instead the neck which is thin and lacking the round head portion is causing Molly to be in pain when she moves. I started reading some things online about the surgery and it is kinda cool. They just remove the mis-shaped head/neck portion and because of the size of the animal they can function normally without being in pain.
"Excision arthroplasty is the surgical removal of the ball portion (femoral head) of the ball and socket hip joint. It is used to treat more severe cases. A "false joint" of fibrous tissue then forms. This often increases both comfort and mobility. Mild exercise is advisable immediately after surgery."
Slightly interesting

Christmas with the family

Audrey wanted to play bionicles

Harrison wore bows, my dog wore a bow tie and my beautiful mom wore an apron.

Football is a must