Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I was in court last week to fight a ticket I received for an unsafe lane change. The arraignment was scheduled for 8:30 my mom (also my witness to fight the ticket) joined me and we made it to the courthouse on time despite the heavy rain. Well upon arrival we were notified along with several other people at the courthouse to fight tickets that the judge would be there at the earliest by 9:00am. The entire time I was in court the only thing I could think about was I hope my ticket gets dismissed or at least that I can have my money back and Josh Tate's would you rather. If I remember correctly it was would you rather meet your future spouse at a courthouse or at a hospital. Well as a nursing student I spend lots of time in hospitals and now I have more experience in courthouses and I have to say hands down I would prefer to meet my future spouse in a hospital. Oh and the officer didn't show up, so my ticket was dismissed and the money for the ticket will be coming back in 6-8weeks.


Sherry said...

Praise God!!!!

barefootkangaroo said...

Brilliant! Definately a hospital.