Monday, January 28, 2008

My Golden birthday was last Thursday. 24 on the twenty-fourth. Or maybe more significantly the 24th anniversary of my moms golden birthday. And while I'm at it I guess the day my cousin Harrison turned the big one one aka 11. It wasn't anything fantastic but I was able to make it home to go out to dinner with my mom which was nice.

My roommate left me this birthday card with an i-tunes gift card and also took the liberty of decorating the condo. She decorated everything from my bedroom doorway, the bathroom and even the kitchen.
I went to class, pediatric lecture on heart disease anyone? Then the girls (Natalie, Ashley and Jenny) took me out to lunch at PF Chang's.

They even appeased me when I made them stop to take a picture of our feet.
Then I made the decision to skip my Research class out of fear if I didn't get on the road I wasn't going to make it home to my parents. With the 5 freeway closed at the grapevine I was forced to go the long way. I took the 58 to the 14 through rain, snow and then some more rain. The trip was made oh so much more fun by my cat who decided to moan the entire way. I can't say that I blame her. Normally she has free reign of my car but being three days post surgery she was confined to the cat carrier.
Mom and I went to dinner at the Backwoods Inn before returning home and retiring for the night. This is the only time ever that I will be exactly half of my mothers age. When I turn her age I will be two thirds of her age but that just doesn't seem as cool because by then I'll be old. Just kidding I love you mom.

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