Thursday, November 1, 2007


I got to spend the day in the OR! I had so much fun. I got to see a partial amputation of the phalange of the middle finger. The best part was when you could hear the surgeon chipping away at the bone. As a nursing student all we can do is watch but it was still pretty cool. I also saw the removal of a large cyst from a patients wrist and a lap chole or laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Lindsay also made "witches fingers" out of pretzel sticks, white chocolate and dots.


Kelly Visel said...

I don't know how appatizing that pretzel is after seeing those operation photos.

lisa d said...

super gross.

Anonymous said...

They let you take photos? Way COOL. I'm sure your brother would love these shots. LOL Mom

Meghan said...

The pretzel was great and I had just seen the surgeon slice the guy open. And no I didn't have my camera in the room I found the photos on line. However it is very similar to what you would have seen had I had the camera.

lisa d said...

hey meghan- the hard-core staff letter nagging has begun! please send in your letter as soon as you can- there will be snapshots inside and everything- just like the old days! thanks, hope you're doing well in bako!!

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Haha...nothing like putting surgery and food pictures right next to each other for the ultimate in brain confusion!

Rock on, Meghan!